Enhanced safety protocol COVID-19
We are very aware of the concerns surrounding COVID-19 and how it is affecting everything from global markets to personal habits. We’d like to take a minute to share the safety protocols we have established in the taproom to let you know that your safety in our space is of the utmost importance.
Our existing standard is that ALL taproom staff are required to wash hands:
Immediately before food handling;
After touching body parts’;
After using washrooms;
After coughing, sneezing (into sleeve/crook of elbow and not into hands) or using a tissue;
After changing tasks, especially if switching between cold and ready to eat or cooked foods;
After handling money, garbage or tools/equipment;
After touching dirty surfaces;
After picking up something from the floor;
After engaging in any activity that contaminates hands.
There are 4 sanitizer stations in the taproom: one outside of each washroom (2 stations), one beside the front door/water station, and one at the retail beer counter. We encourage customers to use these stations but stress that it does not replace washing hands.
Staff have been provided with sanitary wipes to sanitize door handles, handrails, debit terminals and other publicly used items throughout the day. These wipes are available to guests upon request.
We ask that anyone feeling symptoms of the flu or respiratory problems (staff and guests) limit their participation in taproom events. We are happy to provide a refund, or reschedule event ticket purchases/tours/reservations if your symptoms warrant.
The City of Ottawa health unit has a number of good resources to guide proper hand washing and coughing/sneezing techniques here:
If you have any questions or concerns please contact:
Mike Hall - taproom manager
613.728.7845 x 101
Mike Hall - taproom manager
613.728.7845 x 101

I am looking to get delivery of some of your beers and I’m wondering if that is possible now?