Carrot Cake Beer !
This our 2nd year with this fun and delicious beer.
For years customers have been asking us for a pumpkin beer, but there is already quite a selection of pumpkin beers, so we decided to make a carrot cake beer instead.
Like all of our beers, there is a story behind this brew. My wife and son were discussing my birthday years ago, and decided that carrot cake would be a great selection for my birthday, as they both knew that I loved carrot cake. Alexander was 12 at the time, and Kelly wasn't able to drive with her electric wheelchair, so getting a cake from the store was going to be a challenge.
Alexander decided to ride his bike to the grocery store, bought the cake, placed it gently in his backpack and then biked home. If you looked carefully, you could maybe see one small flattened spot on the side of the cake, but in my mind it was perfect. To this day carrot cake still reminds me of my birthday and great times with my family.
I hope you will enjoy this great beer and develop your own great memories around carrot cake.
Please join us on Thursday October 10th for the launch of Carrot Cake Beer. We will be serving complimentary pieces of carrot cake from our friends at Zola's restaurant in Bells Corners.